Critical data for C-Suite to align HR strategy with business outcomes.
Why Choose WorkforceAI

WorkforceAI is the solution that large organizations need today to sustain competitiveness, keep pace with change, hone their technology strategy and maintain workforce readiness in an increasingly fast-paced competitive landscape.

Our key differentiation is speed and simplicity. It offers the simplest, fastest, timely and most accurate data to manage the skills inventory of a large organization and keep skills consistent with their HR strategy in the face of continuously changing demands.

By enabling an organization to view a snapshot of its internal skills and competencies and identifying their employees' core critical skills and competencies in near-real time, the organization is better able to make key decisions about their workforce, plan their programs for upskilling, reskilling and recruiting in a coordinated way that continuously keep their skills gap minimized.

The longer-term results are  faster responses to customer change, improved organizational competitiveness, and improved profitability!

Best Value


Intuitive design of the WorkforceAI user interface offers users  the ultimate in simplicity to collect and manage the data of any large oganization and quickly identify dynamic skills gaps that continuously keep changing.

With our user-friendly UI and continuous data intelligence updates, combined with machine learning and  AI technology, an organization of any size can initiate and, with management collaboration and just a few keystrokes, render  an accurate full skills inventory for the entire organization in a very short time!

Our unique method accommodates job roles of any type matched to their skills,. Our powerful AI engine needs minimal effort from the organization.



The WorkforceAI platform can deliver a FREE skills inventory of a workforce of 5,000 or more employees within two or three days!

Once the basic organizational criteria are defined, a process that takes just a few minutes, the AI-driven process automatically ripples through the organizational components to quickly generate the skills inventory. With participation by the company, the results are quickly compiled into the critical information needed to guide key decisions about the state of human resources, skills, competencies and gaps in the skills base.

With this information on hand, decision-makers can quickly pinpoint areas for  skills improvement and plan to close skills gaps expeditiously.

By repeating this process frequently, the organization is able to continuously narrow the gap between the onboard skills and the critical core skills needed to propel the organization ahead.


Accuracy and Relevance

Quality of the information generated by the system takes center stage as it forms the basis for guiding key decisions about the composition and suitability of the organization's human resource skills base. 

By continuously collecting and updating data from within the organization, the processes utilized by the WorkforceAI ensures a high degree of accuracy, compatibility and relevance of the data. This ensures high qualityand trustworthiness of the information generated by the system.

Supplementary information is collected and made available to the administrators to help identify areas for improvement.


The unique method used by WorkforceAI ensures delivery of timely information about the skills and competencies of employees currently in the organization.

The administrators have the ability to control the process in a way that ensures that data collected from within the organization are not only accurate, but most recent. Administrators can repeat the entire process at the most appropriate time when a refresh is needed by decision-makers.


Best Value

WorkforceAI can deliver a 10X ROI or more. In the long term it can deliver an ROI up to twenty times the investment required!

Armed with the speed, accuracy, timeliness and relevance of the information delivered by WorkforceAI, the ability to make timely and better informed decisions about improvement of its human resources, the organization has one of the most powerful tools it can use to hone its skills base, maximize customer value and maintain a competitive advantage in its marketplace.

Early adoption of WorkforceAI services, ensures that the business keeps at the forefront of technology, delivering the best value to customers in the short and  long term.

Contact us today for a free consult on how to speed up your IT transformation and get ahead of the competition!
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