Critical data for C-Suite to align HR strategy with business outcomes.
Corporate Strategy and Goals

Corporate Strategy & Goals

Skills management is especially important to large and mid-sized organizations that employ thousands of employees distributed over geographically wide locations, often worldwide. It is essential that the C-Suite prioritize the importance of people skills and their contribution to achieving the goals set for the organization.

Some of the key factors to consider that will assist in maintaining an always-ready workforce are identified below.


Start with a Skills Inventory

An accurate, up-to-date skills inventory is essential for guiding strategic decisi8ons.

Good skills inventory management usually starts with a well-defined corporate talent management strategy and measurable goals of the organization.

Ideally, the organization should have clearly identified the critical skills, both hard and soft, that the workforce needs in order to propel the organization forward, in the long term as well as over the short-term.

The journey is more like a never-ending marathon, with hurdles popping up along the way as new technologies emerge and demands grow to keep pace with change.

In such a dynamic situation, organizational success depends primarily on its ability to embrace change. Change is the constant that continuously impacts every activity being undertaken by the organization. Skills have emerged as the new business currency!
Skills Inventory Management

Corporate Strategy

Collection of accurate, up-to-date skills inventory data is the key metric to compare with the critical skills needed by the organization to achieve its corporate goals. Done properly, this will expose the skills gaps within the organization thereby enabling it to keep pace with change and boost its competitive position.

In the face of change, no organization today can claim to have all the resources it needs to succeed. The pandemic has precipitated the move to remote work. Up-skilling and re-skilling can help to keep the organization equipped with the skills needed. Consideration must also be given to more adaptive organizational business models, hybrid work, outsourcing and partnerships.
Corporate Strategy
Contact us today for a free consult on how to build an accurate and comprehensive skills inventory  for your entire organization in just a few days.
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