Critical data for C-Suite to align HR strategy with business outcomes.
Skills Inventory Management
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Skills Inventory - A Vital Component

Attempting to upskilling or reskill employees without an accurate and up-to-date skills inventory, is like 'putting the cart before the horse'!

The skills ecosystem within a large organization is dynamic.  It is driven by attrition, new employee on-boarding, retraining, re-skilling, on-the-job learning, self-learning and one-on-one sharing.  

Because of its sheer size and geographical presence, large enterprises can easily lose track of the match of onboard skills with the critical skills it needs to achieve the organization’s goals. Skills and jobrole changes are accelerating. The old method of using spreadsheets for tracking onboard skills is just impractical for large organizations with thousands of employees. Newer methods based on AI hold promise.

Imagine a situation where advances in technology persist, employee learning is continuous, attrition and on-boarding of employees are the order of the day. Keeping track of the current skills base can become chaotic and the organization can quickly lose sight of the match between the critical core skills needed and its actual skills inventory. Large organizations need a robust way to continuously assess employee skills,  capabilities and competencies to ensure workforce readiness. Skills gap data is critical as it drives many important decisions that can hasten or hinder the progress of the organization. Hence, the need for a skills inventory management is enormously beneficial.

Skills Inventory Data

Skills inventory data is a vital component needed to formulate a viable HR strategy. The most useful skills inventory data is a snapshot in real time of the skills and competencies of employees across the entire organization. This is easier said than done! Methods that deploy spreadsheets and trivial data collection processes are slow to implement and often fail to provide accurate and timely results for useful decision-making.

The WorkforceAI Solution

WorkforceAI has developed an easy-to-use, dynamic method that uses AI to produce accurate, fast and timely skills inventory data specifically designed to support achievement of organizational goals. It is especially useful for large enterprises that want to keep track of employees’ skills and competencies.
Skills Inventory Management
Here are some of the key things the WorkforceAI method offers :
  •     Complete organization skills inventory
  •     Divisions, Departments and Subsidiaries
  •     5,000+ employee skillsets in less than a week
  •     Easy user interface, low learning curve
  •     Identify internal, at-risk positions and new skills need
  •     AI based design for continuous employee skills updates
  •     Quick organization-wide notifications
  •     Keep a finger on the pulse of the organization
  •     Access to up-skill and reskill resources
  •     Save big on talent acquisition costs
  •     Bird's-eye view of employee skills and detail drilldowns
  •     Perform what-if analysis for reorganizations
  •     Search entire organization for employee talent profiles
  •     Administer succession surveys
  •     Quick data access to employee competencies, skills, certifications, and experience
  •     Boost productivity across the organization with great collaboration
  •     Great value for the entire organization.
Skills Inventory Management

Contact Us

Contact us today for a free consult on how to build an accurate and comprehensive skills inventory  for your entire organization in just a few days.
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