Critical data for C-Suite to align HR strategy with business outcomes.
About Us

Riding Two Tigers

An Odyssey in the Era of Change
In the tumultuous wake of COVID-19 and the rise of ground-breaking AI technologies like ChatGPT, organizations worldwide found themselves facing a dual onslaught of business disruption and opportunity. 

We have followed the trends and been doing extensive research on the COVID-19 impact that saw the Great Resignation followed by launch of ChatGPT AI, then massive layoffs and today the rush to recruit people with new skills. Here is the buildup of how this all led to WorkforceAI.

The initial response was massive layoffs and organizational restructuring which became the norm.  The promise of AI innovation broke onto the business scene like a beast that teased us from afar.

Skills Inventory Management
Consulting Takes a Brave Initiative
At the forefront of this turbulent storm stands four titans of the consulting industry, Earnst & Young (EY), KPMG, Deloitte and PriceWaterhouse Coopers (PwC). They all took the steps to chart a course through the AI storm, seeking solutions to navigate the ever-changing sea of skills-first workforce readiness in their respective organizations.

In a brave move, these four visionary corporations independently took decisions to make huge  investments to expand and scale their artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities.  KPMG allocated two billion dollars, PwC committed an investment of one  billion dollars to develop their consultants' AI skills competencies. Others in the industry followed suit. Now that's commitment!

A Monumental Challenge: The Dynamic Internal Skills Gap
Yet, even with such abundant resources, a critical void persisted – the ability to swiftly and accurately identify skills gaps within their own workforce. AI could summarize data from mass repositories and identify new and emerging jobroles and skills trends on a global scale.

But AI is incapable of knowing the state of internal resources and their capabilities of an organization. That data is not only dynamic, but has not been compiled even within most organizations. It's a monumental task.

As the impact of this shortcoming became evident, and as attrition set in and market demands changed, champions of innovation in HR realized that AI could only guess at the changes needed in internal skills and competencies within their organization. Furthermore, dependence on recruitment where competition for scarce skilled resources has intensified, this became a tedious and expensive strategy. 

Overcoming Inertia and Skepticism
The journey towards implementation of AI solutions, however, is fraught with challenges. Results from AI  were, at best, an approximation of where the organizations stood skills-wise compared to global estimates. Results specific to the organization were not possible through this approach and not very well suited to informed decision-making. Many organizations are in search of a better solution.

Faced with this current dilemma, it's no wonder skepticism and inertia set in. Decision-makers now cast doubts on the viability of the rush to AI to provide a better solution for skills first workforce readiness. The fear of the unknown and resistance to abandoning conventional practices threaten to impede progress.

Enter WorkforceAI: A Beacon of Hope
Despite the aftermath of COVID-19, after much study, research and brainstorming the predicament, WorkforceAI was launched as not only a beacon of hope but also as a practical solution in the realm of human resources technologies.

WorkforceAI is focused in this niche.

The platform uses AI in an innovative way that provides organizations the fastest, practical and most accurate method to continuously maintain skills and competency data of people already engaged by the organization.

Unlike other solutions that rely on recruitment to fill skills gaps, WorkforceAI offers a revolutionary approach – a skills-first strategy designed to identify and upskill existing talent within the organization. 

Resolution: Embracing the Promise of Innovation
Consulting firms as well as large and mid-sized organizations in other industries, welcome not only the speed, efficiency and accuracy they need from the WorkforceAI platform to keep ahead of competition, but also a path to maintaining workforce readiness in a rapidly evolving landscape.

Charting a New Course
As a new innovative approach to deliver more meaningful results that guide important human resources decisions emerge, leaders of the big four of consulting look beyond the barriers, recognizing the future of AI and its potential for unprecedented returns on investment and the opportunity to redefine workforce management for the digital age.

Looking Ahead
As other large and mid-sized businesses in other industries look to the future, the story of the big four of consulting  is not merely one of adaptation, but of transformation. Money helps. But taking a less traveled route to resolve difficult  problems is often needed. Through bold vision and unwavering determination, the big four KPMG, EY, Deloitte and PwC emerge as trailblazers, embracing innovation to navigate the tides of change. 

As organizations harness the power of WorkforceAI, it paves the way for a future where organizations thrive amidst uncertainty, guided by the beacon of innovation.


Who Needs WorkforceAI?

Like the big four of consulting, many others are searching for ways to  maintain workforce readiness with the right skills they need to remain relevant and competitive. 

WorkforceAI is a small but important endeavor finding solutions for big problems faced by big companies. 
We knew we could help the consulting and other industries. AI could offer a means to a solution for what has been a perennial challenge . 

The team moved quickly and used every means at our disposal to shape WorkforceAI into a fast, user-friendly, easy-to-deploy solution to the skills gap challenge. 

We realize how widespread this problem is. We are now  targeting large and mid-sized organizations across many industries like healthcare, financial, electronic and communications, distribution and others worldwide.

The process is repeatable. It is the most powerful solution for workforce management. It's AI-driven and continuously evolving with change.  It promises customers a 10X ROI. PwC is now looking to adopt it.

HR and Skills Inventory

Vision, Mission, Values

Our Vision
A world where people and machines collaborate to improve the lives of people across our little planet!

Our Mission

To enable large and mid-sized organizations to build a sustainable future through maintaining their workforce readiness by continuously minimizing skills gaps of its employees across the entire organization.

Our Values
We communicate our values throughout our employees to engender a culture that is :
Ethical : From the top, we set the example of ethical behavior by demonstrating ethical practices in any situation, business or personal-related.
Transparent : Transparency strengthens the relationship between management and builds trust with the people who work here. 

Service-oriented : We proactively build teams and processes that are sensitive to customer expectations. All our team members understand that great customer service puts customers first. 

Trustworthy : We understand that to be a Trusted Brand is about confidence; confidence that we will do what we say we're going to do and admit when we fall short.

Reliabile : We have been in business and served our customers for over twenty-five years,with sincere intention. We provide bona-fide references on request.

Futuristic : As a future facing company, we understand that it iy is continuous vigilance as well as  cross-functional collaboration to support innovation matters most. We nurture our teams that comprise people from various disciplines, all working together with an eye on emerging technologies. 

Employee-oriented : As a “people-oriented company”, we care about our employees and  invest in their success. We nurture a culture of respect for employees, empower them and demonstrate appreciation for the value of their efforts.

Contact Us

Contact us today for a free consult on how to speed up your IT transformation and get ahead of the competition.
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